Acts Passed by the Legislature, Republic of Liberia During the Sessions: 1857-1861
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Acts and Resolutions
- Acts Passed by the Legislature of the Republic of Liberia. During the Sessions 1857-1861.
- Acts Passed by the Legislature of the Republic of Liberia. During the Sessions 1857-1860.
- An Act Supplementary to an Act, Entitled an Act providing for a National Fair.
- An Act for the Punishment of Larceny.
- An Act Constituting a Monthly and Probate Court and Register's Department at Robertsport.
- An Act Providing for the Repairs of Public Buildings in the County of Maryland.
- An Act Regulating the Establishment and Transportation of Emigrants.
- A Preamble and Resolution Empowering the President to Enforce a Setlement of Difficulties Existing Within the Jurisdiction of This Republic Between the Naffaw and Padee Native Tribes, in the County of Maryland.
- An Act Restoring Thornton Belton to the Rights and Privileges of Citizenship.
- An Act Providing for a National Fair.
- A Resolution Providing for the Issuing of Two Thousand Dollars In Engraved Bills.
- An Act Providing for the Relief of Nancy A. Woodson and Her Child.
- An Act Providing for Auditors of the Public Account.
- An Act Granting relief to Mrs. Rachel Perdue.
- Resolution Authorizing the Second Section, Second Article of the Constitution, to Be Laid Before the Supreme Court for Its Decision.
- A Resolution to Remunerate J.J. Roberts, Commissioner to France.
- Resolution Authorizing the Clearing out of the Narrows at the Head of the Northern Branch of the Junk River.
- A Resolution to Acknowledge Favors Conferred Upon the Goverenment by Her Britannic Majesty's Government.
Acts Passed During the Session, December, 1858
- An Act to Amend an Act Entitled an Act of Duties on Imports.
- An Act Entitled an Act to Amend an Act to Regulate the Militia.
- An Act to Maintain Peace and Enforce Order on the Highways to the Interior.
- An Act Authorizing the Clearing out of the Gracho Falls, Grand Bassa County.
- A Resolution Authorizing the President to Employ a Costa Guarda.
- An Act for the Relief of William Harris, Senior, of the County of Grand Bassa.
- A Resolution to Aid James Thomas of the Township of New Georgia.
- An Act to Regulate Taxes and Licenses.
- An Act Creating and Defining the Duties of the Superintendents of the Reveral Counties.
- Resolution Approving of Executive Action in the "Regina Coeli" Case.
- An Act Prohibiting the Enlistment of Native African Emigrants.
- An Act Amendatory to the Fourth Article of the Act Regulating Navigation, Commerce and Revenue.
- An Act to Amend the Fifth Artical of an Act Entitled "An Act Established the Judiciary and Fixing the Powers Common to the Several Courts."
- Supplementary Act to the "Act Providing for the Establishment of an Interior Settlement."
- An Act Amendatory to an Act Entitled "An Act Concerning Elections."
- A Resolution Providing for the Transcribing of the Journls of the SEnate and House of Representatives of the Republic of Liberia.
- A Resolution for the Relief of David Banaker.
- An Act Restoring J. Gearing to Citizenship.
- An Act to Provide for a State Prison.
- An Act to Raise the Revenue and to Encourage Farmers.
- An Act Establishing the Treasury Department and Defining the Duties of the same.
- An Act Amendatory to the Act Entitled an Act Incorporating Liberia College, and the Supplement Thereto.
- An Act Providing for a Road from the St. Paul's River to the Settlement of Careysburg in the County of Montserrado.
- An Act Divorcing John B. and Otillia Julien Jordan.
- An Act Fixing the Boundries of the Town of Robertsport.
- An Act Providing for the Pay of Government Interpreters.
- A Resolution Providing for the Payment of Militia of Sinoe County.
- Resolution Relieving the Estate of Hon R.E. Murray from Claims Against it by the Republic.
- A Resolution Restoring Henry Roadman to the Rights and Privileges of Citizenship.
- An Act Incorporating a College.
Acts Passed During the Session, December, 1859
- An Act Chartering the City of Monrovia.
- A Resolution Providing for thr Employment of a Steam Vessel.
- An Act Approving and Appropriating a Certain Amount of Money [...] and Expended by the President in Arresting the Small Pox.
- An Act Amendatory to the Second Artical of an Act, Entitles an Act Establishing the Boundaries of the Republic ; and Defining the Boundaries of the Several Counties.
- A Resolution Recomending an Amendment to the Constitution.
- An Act Authorizing the Removal of the Obstructions From the Mechlin River, and Making Appropriation for the Same.
- An Act Amendatory and Supplementary to an Act Incorporating Liberia College.
- An Act Supplementary to An Act Entitled "An Act to Maintain Peace and Enforce Order on the Highways to the Interior."
- A Resolution Granting to the Presbyterian Missionary Society in the County of Sinoe One Hundred Acres of Land for Mission Purposes.
- An Act Fixing the Salary of the Superintendent of Marshall.
- An Act Making Appropriation for H. Underwood.
- An Act Authorizing President to Lay an Interdiet on All the []ading Points in the County of Grand Bassa Tha Are Under the Control of Prince Boyer of Trade Town County.
Acts Passed During the Session, December, 1860
- An Act Providing for the Care and Support of Recaptured Africans.
- An Act Authorizing the Formation of an Interiror Settlement at Nair Mountains, in the County of Sinoe.
- An Act Authorizing the Formation of an Interior Settlement at Ghee's Mountain, in the County of Grand Bassa.
- An Act Amendatory to an Act Entitled an Act to Amend "An Act to Regulate the Militia."
- A Resolution providing for the Transcribing of the Old Colonial Records of the Republic of Liberia.
- An Act Imposing Additional Duties on the Importation of Certain Articles, and also for Levying, and Collecting an Additional Tonnage Duty on Foreign Ships and vessels: and Amendatory to an Act Entitled "Export Duty Bill."
- An Act Divorcing Georgianna M. and Jeremiah Hilliard.
- A Resolution Authorizing the Publishing of James L. Sims' Journal of Travels to the Interior of Liberia.
- An Act Incorporating and Chartering the City of Buchanan, Grand Bassa.
- A Resolution Authorizing the Suppression of the Slave Trade in Gallinas, and its Vicinity, in the County of Montserrado.
- An Act Providing for the Employment of an Armed Force to Quell the Rebellious Movements of the Po-River or Naffaw Tribe, of Maryland County.
- An Act Granting Five Acres of Farm Land, in Addition to a Town lot, to Each Immigrant of the Settlement of Robertsport, Grand Cape Mount ; in Accordance with an Act Entitled "An Act Pertaining to the Apportionment and Improvement of Land."
- A Special Resolution for the Relief of James R. Moore, Sub Treasurer of Grand Bassa County.
- A Resolution Concurring in the Views and Policy of the President of the Republic of Liberia, Expressed in His Correspondence on the Question of Recaptured Africans.
- A Resolution Ratifying the Compact Between the American Colonization Society and the Republic of Liberia, in a Reference to Recaptured Africans.
- AN Act to Amend an Act, Entitled, "An Act Defining Certain Crimes, and Relating to the Punishment of Crimes."
- A Resolution Restoring George W. Deadrick to the Rights and Privileges of Citizenship.
- A Resolution Restoring Joseph Rice, of Buchanan, Grand Bassa County, to the Rights, and Privileges of Citizenship.
- A Resolution Granting Five Acres of Land to the Ladies Benevolent Society of Maryland County.
- A Resolution Authorizing the Payment of John H. Chavers for Services as Acting Commissary.
Acts Passed During the Session, December, 1861.
- A Resolution to Authorize the Issue of an Additional Amount of Engraved Bills.
- An Act Divorcing Tristam Waters and Elizabeth Waters.
- A Special Resolution for the Relief of John W. Powell, of the County of Grand Bassa.
- An Act Amendatory to an Act, Entitled, "An Act Chartering the City of Buchanan."
- A Resolution Declaring the Adoption of the Amendment to the Constitution, Recommended by the Legislature, During Its Session of 1852-60, to Allow the County of Maryland Three Representatives.
- Resolution to Reimburse James C. Payne.
- An Act Amendatory to an Act Entitled , "An Act Regulating Deposits in the Public Treasury."
- An Act Chartring the Township of Edina.
- An Act Granting Careysburg and Marshall, Respectively, a Provisional Monthly Court, also a Register's Department at Careysburg.
- An Act Regulating the Payment of Export Duties, and the Deposit of the Same in the Several Branches of the Treasury.
- An Act Restoring Henry Hess, Samuel Mc Kay, John Ellis Creek and Others to Citizenship.
- An Act Authorizing the Appointment of Commissioners to Select a Site in the Interior for the Seat of Government.
- An Act Supplementary to an Act Authorizing the Circulation of Copper Coin, and Making the Same a Legal Tender in This Republic.
- An Act Providing for Commissioners to enlist Emigrants from the United States.
- An Act to Prevent the Setting of Spring Guns and Spring Knives.
- An Act Supplementary to an Act Providing for the Care and Support of Recaptured Africans.
- A Resolution Appropriating Annually, for the Term of Ten Years the Sum of Three Hundred Dollars to the Use and Benefit of St, Mark's Hospital.
- A Resolution Suspending the Operation of the Second and Third Section of an Act Entitled "An Act Imposing Additional Duties on the Importation of Certain Articles and Levying and Collecting Additional Tonnage Duty on Foreign Ships and Vessels."
- An Act Amendatory to an Act Entitled, "An Act Regulating Fees."
- An Act Amendatory to an Act Providing for Common Schools.
- An Act Creating Boarding Officers in Each of the Ports of Entry in This Republic,-the Port of Marshall Excepted, and Defining the Duties of the Same.
- A Resolution Recommending the Suspension of the National Fair Provided by Law, to be Held in the County of Maryland in 1862.
- An Act to Amend and Consolidate the Several Acts Concerning Liberia College.
- An Act Requiring all Deeds and Conveyances of Real Estate to be Probated and Registered.
- A Resolution Making Appropriation on Money, With a View to Develop the Iron Resources in the Vicinity of Careysburg.
- An Act Supplementary to the Act Entitled "An Act Providing for the Care and Support of Recaptured Africans."
- An Act Granting a Public Road to the Citizens of Sinoe County.