Acts of the Governor and Council of Liberia, passed January 1843
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Acts and Resolutions
- Acts of thr Governor and Council of Liberia, In Legislature Assembled.
Acts of thr Governor and Council of Liberia, In Legislature Assembled.
- An Act Amend an Act Regulating Common Schools.
- An Act Supplementary to an Act Regulating Common Schools.
- An Act te Repeal an Act Creating an Agency in Grand Bassa County.
- An Act Granting to the Inhabitants of Caldwell the Sum of Fifty Dollars to Assist in the Repairing and Building of Bridges in Said Settlement.
- A Bill for the Relief of Harmon Whitfield.
- An Act to Amend an Act Regulating the Revenue of the Commonwealth of Liberia.
- An Act Restoring Wily Brown to the Privileges of Citizenship.
- An Act Restoring Edmond Curtis to the Privileges of Citizenship.
- An Act Restoring Andrew Green to the Privileges of Citizenship.
- An Act Establishing the Boundaries of the Several Townships in the County of Grand Bassa.
- An Act Providing a Treasuer for the Town of Marshall.
- An Act to Incorporate the Ladies' Benevolent Society of Monrovia.
- An Act to Incorporate the Ladies' Dorcas Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
- An Act to Incorporate the Ladies Union Sisters of Charity Society of Monrovia.
- An Act Establishing Committees of Finance.
- An Act to Amend an Act Passes 1839, to Regulate the Fees of the Sheriffs and County Court Clerks.
- An Act for the Relief of Farmers.
- An Act to Amend an Act Entitled an Act Regulating Towns and Villages, Passed August and September 1839.
- An Act to Amend an Act Regulating The Treasur's and Collector's Fees.
- An Unpublished Act Passed January 1841.