Volume 19, Number 32: American bee journal
From American Bee Journal
- Editorial Items
- Kindness to Bees
- The Careful Breeding of Bees
- To Michigan Bee-Keepers
- Size of Standard Langstroth Frame
- Side Storing Sections a Failure
- Changing a Standard
- Theory Reviewed by Practice
- Pollen, Breeding in Winter, etc.
- Winter and Summer Frame
- What and How. Answers by James Heddon, Dowagiac, Mich.
- The Hive and Frame Controversy
- Selections from Our Letter Box
- From Deep to Shallow Frames
- Honey and Beeswax Market
- The Naughty Hybrid
- Hunt Co., Texas, Convention
- The Use of Broad Frames, etc.
- The Standard Langstroth Frame
- A Few Conundrums on Bees