Volume 2, Number 9: American bee journal
From American Bee Journal
- Bee-Culture in Cottage Hives No. 9
- The Experiences of a Novice in Bee-keeping
- Ventilating Bees
- Heat from Muscular Action
- Italianizing
- Impure Drones
- Phora Incrassata and Foulbrood
- Honey-dews and Aphides
- To Obtain the Largest Amount of Surplus Honey
- Failure of Honey
- Hermaphrodite Bees
- The Egyptian Bee Part VI.
- Range of Bees' Flight
- Bees--Their Range of Flight
- The Value of Combs
- Lecture on Bees
- Monthly Management
- The Egyptian Bee--Apis Fasciata
- Inmates of the Hive
- Unanimosity of Bees, as Effected by Experimental Science
- Impurities of Cross-bred Drones
- Contrast of Differently-managed Hives
- Honey Gathering
- Great Number of Queen Cells and Queens Secured from One Hive