Volume 16, Number 7: American bee journal
From American Bee Journal
- Editor's Table
- My Plan for Dividing Bees
- Block for Nailing Sections
- Wonderful Instinct of Queen Bees
- The Past Seven Months
- Queens Duplicating Themselves
- Queen Fertilizing Cage
- Getting and Caring for Box Honey
- Cyprian Bees--American Apiculture
- Rearing Queens and Other Matters
- Honey Dew Again, Etc.
- Diploma from Italy
- Spring Feeding and Management
- The Wintering of Bees in Missouri
- Pasturage or Forage for Bees
- Fertilization in Confinement--Swarm Catcher, Etc.
- How to Italianize Black Bees
- Systematic Apiculture
- Resolutions of the Utica Convention
- Feeding Back for Comb Honey
- Ants Troublesome in the Apiary
- The Manufacture of Glucose
- The Cyprian and "Holy" Bees
- Conventions
- Chaff Packing for Wintering Bees
- Discussion on the Caucasian Bee. Austro-German Convention
- Los Angeles, Cal., Convention
- Albany Co., N.Y., Association
- Letter Drawer
- New Inventions in England
- Seasonable Hints
- Married and Settled in Life
- The Dunham Comb Foundation
- Importance of the Bee to the Ancients
- Extracted vs. Comb Honey