Volume 16, Number 5: American bee journal
From American Bee Journal
- Editor's Table
- Do We Need More Bee Papers?
- Increase, After-Swarms, Etc.
- Wintering of Bees
- The Latest from Cyprus
- Practical and Timely Work
- Honey Plants of Northern Texas
- Value of the Different Races of Bees
- Do we want a Co-operative Journal?
- Buying Untested Queens
- Cyprian Bees, a Superior Race
- More Queen Cages
- Where Honey Comes From--No. 3
- Fertilization in Confinement
- The Value of Different Races of Bees
- Feeding Honey to Store in Boxes, Etc.
- To what extent can Bees be Improved?
- Queen Rearing
- Queens Duplicating Themselves
- Hives made of Wood, Plaster and Sand
- Taking Sections from Broad Frames
- Electricity upon Workers and Drones
- Wax Adulterations
- Spring Report--Strange Case--The Northeastern Convention
- Conventions
- Races of Bees and Different Crosses
- Comb Foundation and its Uses
- Perfect Comb Foundation
- Letter Drawer
- Cheek and Assurance
- Harris' Gem Hive
- Bee Notes from California
- Bailey's Swarm Catcher
- The "Resolutions" Repudiated
- The Prospect for a Honey Harvest