Volume 129, Number 3: Good housekeeping
From Good housekeeping
- Instruments of the Orchestra
- The Pop and the Package
- The Hope Chest: Bed Linens
- Your Child's Eating Habits
- Keep Up With Medicine
- Personal Records
- The Wishing Dime
- Second Honeymoon
- When a Daughter Marries
- How to Auction Your Things
- Care of the Breast
- Town Hall
- The Good Compliment
- Your Children 's Money
- The Dignified Way
- Maurice
- Going-Up The Stock of Wool
- New Directions
- It's For You
- First Takes for All
- The Shopping Suit
- Listen , Teens !
- Assignment in Hollywood
- Blocked Out for Blackboarders
- Family Playroom
- Snug but Spacious
- A Style All Its Own
- Insulation--Inside Story
- Decorate--The Young Way
- A Room of Her Own
- Out of the Doldrums into the Limelight
- They Have What the Want
- In the Traditional Mood
- School Days, School Daze
- Both Modern and Old
- The Poetry Page
- Off to School
- One for the Rain, Two for the Snow
- The Very Real Thing
- Selecting Your Fabrics and Patterns
- Household Notes
- Decorating Ideas
- Food Ideas
- For the Hostess: Business Girl Entertains
- Scarecrow School
- Can You Cook Rice?
- Susan's Chocolate Cake
- Getting All the Juice
- Electric Dishwashers
- Keeping Floors Looking Good
- Good Meals and Thrifty With Your Broiler as Chief Cook
- Scrapbag or Handbag?
- Eight Tips for a Good Home Wave
- Know Anybody Interesting?
- Building Notes
- The Question-Box
- What's Good for Pets
- For Now, For Later...A Suit, Patterns
- The Campus Line, Patterns
- Vested Interests, Patterns
- Jiffy Place Mats
- Coin Embroidery
- Pot-Holder Aprons
- Fashion Notes
- Crib Companions
- Custom Toys
- Memory Lane
- Knit Classics
- Knit for Sonny
- Textile Notes
- Beauty Notes
- Ladies' Room?
- Cook's Heaven: Cheese Bread