Volume 99, Number 6: Good housekeeping
From Good housekeeping
- Merry Christmas
- Canyon Kiddies
- The Water Babies
- A Case Against Christmas
- Finders Are Keepers
- We Saw The World
- Storm Signals
- The Great Meat Pie
- Price Tag
- Clothes For Cruising Or The South
- Skiing And Skating Costumes From Paris
- Let's Give A Dream
- Linens And Cottons
- Smart Dresses We Will Buy For You
- Make A Party Frock For Christmas
- Our Christmas Shopping Service
- A Good $5000 House
- A $4500 House
- From Shabby House To House Beautiful At A Cost Of $3850
- A Small House Restored In Old Williamsburg
- Social Affiars
- Men And Angel
- The Search (Poem)
- Gifts For The House
- A Merry Christmas Dinner
- Festive Menus For Yuletide Parties
- For Christmas Cookie Jars And Candy Boxes
- No More Wash-Day Worries
- A Lovely Window Garden
- The Important Years Ahead
- The Beauty Clinic
- Dr. Eddy's Question-Box
- The Star (Poem)
- Is Anything Too Hard For The Lord?
- Party Faces
- Gifts To Make
- Words (Poem)
- Envy (Poem)
- To Norma (Poem)
- The Fallacy Of Freedom
- 29 Miles To Christmas
- Let Us Go Even Unto Bethlehem (Poem)
- I Want My Daughters To Marry
- Splendor Of Eagles