Volume 99, Number 3: Good housekeeping
From Good housekeeping
- The Movie Tangle
- It's A Tough Game
- Men And Angel
- We Saw The World
- What Came Of It
- Forecast Of Autumn Fashions From Paris
- New York Fashion Points
- Spain Influences The New Hats
- Coats Of Fur Or Cloth
- Coats For Daytime And Evening
- Dresses To Make Yourself
- The Wish (Poem)
- Autumn Clothes We Will Buy For You
- Children's Clothes With A National Trade-Mark
- Honor Bound
- I Did Not Think (Poem)
- The Classic Modern House
- Garden Lighting
- Accessories And Lamps
- Architectural Details That Add Distinction
- The Importance Of The Centerpiece
- The Warming Fire. A Suburban Mother Goose Story
- Storm Signals
- The School Lunch Hour
- Scoop Out And Stuff
- Timely Topics For Club Programs
- Pickles And Preserves
- Bring The Backward House Forward
- Aunt Sissy--And I
- Good Old Halibut
- Old Shoes (Poem)
- The Beauty Clinic
- How Much Do You Know?
- The President's Mother
- The Job Of Motherhood
- Beauty Lesson
- Needlework Of Heirloom Quality
- Rhyme Among The Roses (Poem)
- Mammy Liza (Poem)
- Twilight (Poem)
- Grandma Was Young Once
- Hold That Can, Please!
- Seventh Summer
- Kenyon Kiddies
- The Goddess Of Spring