Volume 75, Number 6: Good housekeeping
From Good housekeeping
- What the Editor Has to Say
- Elfreda and the Mad Busman
- Christmas--As It Seems to Me
- The Princess and the NIghtingale
- Moses Discovers the Only God
- Fashions
- Needlework Gift Suggestions
- Varied New Christmas Gifts
- Friends of a Quill
- Compensation (poem)
- Child Labor Must Be Stopped
- The Meaning of Beauty
- Furnishings and Decorations
- Cushions and Their Placing
- Harmony in Furniture
- The Adventurers
- Likeness (poem)
- Kiddies of the Canyon Country
- The Kiddyland Movie Cut-outs
- The Pilgrimage Play
- Cookery
- Out of the Cooky Jar
- The Alaskan
- Winter Vegetable Offerins
- Old-Time Southern Sweets
- The Home Curing of Meats
- Cream Puffs and Eclairs
- A Little Window into Heaven
- Department of Household Engineering
- The Burning Question of Fuels
- The Electrical Table Appliance
- The Health and Happiness Club
- Discoveries
- A Christmas Prayer (poem)
- Dr. Wiley's Question-Box
- Entertainment Page
- Health and Beauty
- A Successful Experiment in Cooperative Housekeeping
- You and Your Worries
- The Magic Promise
- Friendship Time
- Under a Thousand Eyes
- I Sang in Buenos Aires