Volume 54, Number 5: Good housekeeping
From Good housekeeping
- Mother's Day
- The Weaker Vessel
- Making Both Ends Meet
- Hashimura Togo - Domestic Scientist
- Our May Party
- Her Wardrobe: The Trousseau
- Handicraft
- Woman's Capture of the Food Market
- Children as Cabbages
- Rare Bits of Old Silver
- Soiled Linen
- Dr Wiley Outlines His Plans and Purposes
- Three Meals a Day
- A Little Talk to Girls on Cookery
- A Few Dorcas Neighborhood Recipes
- Just How to Buy and Cook Pot Roast
- What to Eat in May
- Recipes for the Monthly Bills of Fare
- The Healthful Rhubarb
- A Choice Home Table
- Recipes from a Home Table
- Little Things That are no Trifles
- Our Opportunities in an Unbounded Field
- Fifteen Minutes a Day
- Sanitary Precautions in Laundry Work
- Mirandy on Women Proposing
- The Visiting Housekeeper
- Tested and Approved by the Good Housekeeping Institute
- What Do YOU Say?
- The Order of the Golden Bee
- Discoveries by Our Observers and Experimenters
- Dr Wiley and His Work
- Woman's Share in Civic Life
- A Question of Birthdays
- Opera Training and the American Girl
- Mother's Love Letter
- Our House Interiors