Volume 48, Number 4: Good housekeeping
From Good housekeeping
- Window Boxes of London
- Washington's School Buildings
- Hansel and Gretel
- Good and Bad Cats (poem)
- Those Brewster Children
- Captain Toodles
- Making Wind Toys
- Too Much Love
- Progress Toward Pure Milk
- Disobedient Emily (poem)
- Tea Houses: The Brown Owl and Others
- Making the Best of Things
- Painting the House
- Garden Plans and Plots
- $100 for a Flower Bed
- Homemade Garden Boxes
- A Plate Rack
- The Busy Man's Bungalow
- A Season of Beauty
- Prof. Fisher on Diet
- Editorial
- The Miracles of Bernard of Clairvaux
- There Would I Be (poem)
- Progress of the League
- Good Eating
- The Philosophy of FLetcherism
- Original Recipes
- Simple Luncheons
- Hester Mayo, Housewife
- Substantial Meals Without Meat
- Seasonable Recipes
- Cake Making and Baking
- The Juicy Pineapple
- Jerusalem Windows
- Our Experiment Station
- Good Eatables for April
- Menu Recipes
- The Commerce of Clothes
- Flowers for the Fourth
- Rev Mr. Martin's $600
- A Practical Reform
- Contagious Colds
- The Communion Cup
- Forty Dollars a Year
- Tea for Two
- Economy in Illinois
- With the Editor
- Home Made Fun
- April Fool (poem)
- A Duet
- The Housewife's Calendar
- House Cleaning
- Know Your Ice
- A Baby Book
- Discoveries by Our Observers and Experimenters
- A Lament (poem)
- That First, Wretched Year
- Aiding the Teacher
- The Tyranny of Milliners
- President Roosevelt and Pure Food
- Making a Monogram