Volume 48, Number 3: Good housekeeping
From Good housekeeping
- The Ends of the Earth
- The Cost of Living
- Those Brewster Children
- The Banker's Daughter
- Notes from a Thought Book
- The Visitors of Elizabeth
- Designed, Planned, Built, by Women
- Hansel and Gretel
- Wild Animals for the Menagerie
- Little Feet (poem)
- Captain Toodles
- The Wedding Chest (poem)
- When to be Afraid
- Good and Bad Cats (poem)
- Letters to Madame Crusoe
- A Father's Discovery
- Our Picture Puzzle
- Good Eating
- Good Form in Table Decoration
- Simple Luncheons
- Hester Mayo, Housewife
- Fish Food for Lent
- Schools of Home Economics
- Substantial Meals Without Meat
- Our Experiment Station
- Good Eatables for March
- Menu Recipes
- A Bunny Party for March
- Ideas for Embroidery
- Saxonian Embroidery
- Our Special Patterns
- A Talk on Textiles
- My Library Light
- The Multiplied Use of One Stencil
- The Effect of the Emotions Upon the Body
- Experiences of a Clergyman
- The Familiy Conference
- My First Garden
- The Advertising of Fools
- An Architect's Garden
- The Housewife's Calendar
- To a California Cousin (poem)
- Ingenuous
- With the Editor
- Inspiring Examples of Rural Uplift
- Discoveries by Our Observers and Experimenters
- The Parent and the Librarian
- The Ways of the Burglar
- Ku Yum and the Butterflies
- Unexpected Guests
- A Recipe for Insomnia