Volume 42, Number 4: Good housekeeping
From Good housekeeping
- A Paradise Regained
- Housecleaning as Physical Culture
- Our Escape to the Country
- Little Songs of Spring
- Spring Heart (poem)
- Beauty (poem)
- Three-Fourths Good
- Little Gardens Outdoors
- The Cultivation of the Hydrangea
- Homelike Rooms
- Handicraft
- The Daughter's Salary
- Daily Bread and Occasional Luxuries
- Pet Rabbits for Children
- A Chinese Mosquito Story
- The Fairies of Life
- The Spring Styles
- Our Pattern Service
- A Basket Bonnet
- A Centerpiece
- Clean Dirt (poem)
- To Put in a Window Rope
- In a Devonshire Garden
- First Aid to Brides: A Young Couple's Account Book
- The Household Inventory
- Pure Food Assurance
- Disinfectants and Their Use
- Danger from Kerosene
- The Hostess
- A Poverty Luncheon Club
- Deviling and Grilling
- For the Luncheon
- The Table
- Flowers, a Flower Painter, and His Gardens
- Daily Bread and Occasional Bread
- Gathered in Foreign Lands
- Out of the Ordinary
- Maple Sweets
- Exit Doctor, Enter Cook
- Menus for April
- Maple Caramel Cake
- Hints for the Daily Routine
- Menu Recipes
- Sufficient Unto the Day
- A Young Couple in an Old Farmhouse
- The Refrigerator: Caring for the Ice Box
- Discoveries by our Observers and Experimenters
- Outside the House
- To Know a Well-Built House
- The True Inwardness of Paint
- Success with Pansies
- The Sunny Side
- Memories (poem)
- Letting the Work "Go"
- A Lightning Change
- The Seven Ages of the Home-Maker
- When Baby Takes Solid Food
- Editorial
- The Case Against the House Cat
- The Philanderer
- The Runaway