Volume 40, Number 6: Good housekeeping
From Good housekeeping
- The Publisher's Desk
- Commander Crowfield's Clam Chowder
- Through College Eyes
- Money Allowance-1059
- The Housewife Who Must Beg
- Unanimous for the Allowance
- To Tip, or Not to Tip (poem)
- The Spoiling of Boys and the Making of Men
- Summer Drinks
- Phoebe's Auction
- Overheard (poem)
- Recreation
- College and Home
- When Polly Comes Home
- "No Trace of Superiority"
- Walk Softly
- Four Years of "Impracticabilities"
- Obedience, Accuracy, Reliability
- Extension of College Work to Mothers
- A Picture of Home Life
- The Apple Shortcake (poem)
- The Electric Bell a Woman's Charge
- European Pensions
- Love is Catching (poem)
- "Just How" Papers
- The Selection of Furniture
- How to Avoid Glasses
- Economy in Laundry Work
- A Military Reception
- The Great Germicide, Sunshine
- Mother Thought (poem)
- The Ideal Husband
- This Discussion
- In the Saddle
- Engaged
- Frank Expressions
- The Etiquette of Correspondence Paper
- Arts and Crafts as Shown in College Pottery
- The Bride's Primer
- Broderie Anglais Work
- "Baby Talk"
- Worth Knowing
- Our Pattern Service
- Discoveries by our Observers and Experimenters
- Camping Out
- The Table
- When Cherries are Ripe
- Whys and Hows of Sponge Cake
- Homemade Wedding Cake
- Possibilities of a Cream Bottle
- A New Recipe for Gingerbread
- Dormitory Favorites
- Canning is an Art
- Universal Cake Recipes
- Menu Suggestions for June
- Out and Travel, Sisters!
- Some of the Recipes
- Oven-Cooked Dinner and Breakfast
- Some Recipes Requested
- Editorial
- June Puzzle
- The June and April Puzzles
- Six College Girls' Vacation
- A Homemade Sewing Screen
- One's Room an Expression of One's Self