Volume 40, Number 4: Good housekeeping
From Good housekeeping
- The Publisher's Desk
- The Great Father
- Birds in a Back Yard
- Easter Lilies (poem)
- Attractive and Useful Screens
- The Business Side
- The Failure to Make a Will
- Fancywork (poem)
- The Truth About It (poem)
- The Adulteration of Olive Oil
- The Samaritan Association
- Flower Gardening
- The Health of the Piano
- A Modern Cottage
- The Bride's Primer
- The Adventures of Daumling
- Magnolia Blooms (poem)
- The Tale of a Black Cat
- The Building of a House
- Since our New Mother Came (poem)
- Spring (poem)
- "Baby Talk"
- The Decorative Mission of the Vine
- The "Breaking" of Baby's Will
- Moving Day: A Monolog
- Margaret's Saturday Mornings
- Clothes
- The Making of Children's Clothes
- Points for Home Dressmakers
- The Spring Fashions
- Discoveries by our Observers and Experimenters
- Green Things Growing
- The Hostess
- My Rustic Arches
- Easter Fun and Profit
- An Easter Bunny Party
- A Simple Wedding Breakfast
- The Table
- In the Wake of the Hen
- Little Kinks but Important
- Nut Squares
- Cornish Pasties
- Leaks in the Domestic Economy
- Neither Flesh Nor Fowl
- The Small Suburban Garden
- Asparagus Varieties
- Meat and Vegetable Fritters
- Menus for April
- The Chafing Dish Course
- A Novel Book of Recipes
- Summery Things
- Our Pattern Service
- Hand Made Trimmings
- A Sensible Fashion: The Paper Hat
- Editorial
- The Mermaid (poem)
- The April and February Puzzles
- Money from the Home Camera
- The Conference Men
- Good Night, Dear Sun (poem)