Volume 40, Number 2: Good housekeeping
From Good housekeeping
- The Publisher's Desk
- The Building of "Sweet Fern"
- The General and Carlotta
- Remembrance (poem)
- Irene
- A Nameless Garden (poem)
- A Neglected Class
- A Deep-Seated Trouble
- The Need Not Exaggerated
- The Need of Leaders
- The Elevation of Domestic Service
- A Little Baby's Love (poem)
- A Young Wife's Confession
- A Lovely Time (poem)
- Our Portfolio
- Roses
- Sentiment in Chambers
- A Lesson for You (poem)
- The Building of a House
- At the Expense of Ma
- Popcorn Song (poem)
- Content (poem)
- The American Child
- The Family Doctor
- A Plain Talk Between Husband and Wife
- Dear Heart (poem)
- Is Marriage a Success (poem)
- Love's Test (poem)
- "Baby Talk"
- A Few Danger Signals
- Baby's Moccasins
- Baby's Little Stomach
- A Child Study Circle
- The Home Life of Our Children
- Proverb (poem)
- Outside Window Boxes
- Discoveries by our Observers and Experimenters
- The Hostess
- Luncheons and Dinners
- A Valentine Party
- St Valentine in Simplicity
- Cupid's Night
- Our Club Cook Book
- The Table
- Children's Hour on Fifth Avenue
- Leaks in the Domestic Treasury
- Curry at Its Best
- Dainty Orange Desserts
- A Tale of Bread without Flour
- Various Ways of Cooking Tripe
- Uncooked Food
- Margaret's Saturday Mornings
- Potato Hints
- Three Ways of Using Tomato
- Menus for February
- The Tyranny of the Younger Ones
- Food Seventy Cents a Week
- The Chafing Dish Course
- Aunt Missouri's Supper
- Bureau of Information
- Editorial
- Four Costumes
- Our Pattern Service
- An Orchid Design
- Raw-Edge Needlework
- From Experience
- Love's Millionaire (poem)
- The Adventures of Daumling
- Teenie's Wonderful Valentine
- A Sad Case (poem)
- Cross Stitching is Fun
- The December Puzzles
- The February Puzzles
- What's Your Experience
- One Dollar Per Joke
- A Neglected Class
- The Scottish Plan
- Madame at her Inn
- Arts and Crafts for the Lonely
- The Mountaineer
- The Bride's Primer