Volume 39, Number 5: Good housekeeping
From Good housekeeping
- The Publisher's Desk
- The Procession of Triumph
- Home (poem)
- Christmas Hints to the Impecunious
- The Home Builder and the Architect
- The Cost (poem)
- The Children
- Georgie's Thanksgiving
- Our Thanksgiving Guest
- A Bear Story
- A Toast (poem)
- In the Arroyo
- A Round of Toasts
- Japanese Flower Arrangement
- Mother's Little Girl (poem)
- To Margaret
- How to Be Young at the Age of Sixty
- The Sorrows of the Clean (poem)
- Music as Medicine
- Plenty of Fat for Baby
- "Just How" Papers
- How Tillie Furnished the Library
- The Incubator Baby
- Fine Laundry Work Made Simple
- The Saving of Rufus
- My Funny Books
- An Old-Time Thanksgiving
- Discoveries by Our Observers and Experimenters
- The Table
- Nut Dainties for Thanksgiving
- An Interview with the Cake Man
- The Chafing-Dish Course
- A Dainty Dish (poem)
- A Secret (poem)
- A Little Cookbook for a Little Girl
- A New Thanksgiving Dinner
- Beef Tongue, Well Cooked
- Simple Dinners
- From May Irwin's Cook Book
- Menus for November
- Bureau of Information
- The Hostess
- A New Party
- A Headress Dinner
- A Seventeenth Century Cottage
- Silhouettes for Tally Cards
- Suppers and a Fagot Party
- A "Flat" Dinner Party
- A Revolution in Styles
- Our Pattern Service
- Talking it over with the Editor
- Puzzle Department
- Co-operative Eating at Holley
- Two Hundred Dollars for Letters
- The Magic Photographer
- A Turkey Indeed
- Editorial
- To a Bit of Old Flemish Lace (poem)
- Poor Little Me (poem)
- The Busy World