Volume 39, Number 4: Good housekeeping
From Good housekeeping
- The Publisher's Desk
- A Lesson in Patience
- The Home Builder and the Architect
- A Public Wash House
- The Busy World
- Wisdom from Experience
- Why We Don't Marry
- Sunday "Education"
- Gentlewomen in Domestic Service
- The Way of a Boy (poem)
- Found: A Career
- To Edith from Brander Matthews
- Our Picture Gallery (poem)
- The Model Flat
- Homelike Rooms
- A Successful Cottage
- Winter Flowering Plants
- Oriental Rugs
- Ptomaines and Ptomaine Poisoning
- "Just How" Papers
- Washday
- The Care of Babies
- A New Influence in Music: The Pope
- DIscoveries by Our Observers and Experimenters
- The Table
- Fresh Water Terrapin
- Tennessee Cookery Before the War
- Good Housekeeping for the Farm
- One Way of Saving
- Aunt 'Liza's Lye Hominy
- A Little Cookbook for a Little Girl
- The Fillet of Beef
- Bureau of Information
- October (poem)
- Menus for October
- With an Autumn Flavor
- The Hostess
- Autumn Supper Parties
- Bayberry Candles
- A Homemade Wedding Cake
- For Halloween
- Another Halloween Party
- And One More
- A Model Swedish Kitchen
- The President of 1940
- Boiled Dinner
- Autumn Fashions from Paris
- The New Styles in New York
- Baby's Clothes
- Our Pattern Service
- Talking it over with the Editor
- The Old Method (poem)
- To Spank or Not to Spank
- The October Puzzles
- Editorial
- Calm Spirit of the Close of Day (poem)
- Day by Day
- How Two Made a Home
- A Candle Wedding
- A Departure in Clothespins
- A Garment of Praise
- A Lucky Boy (poem)
- Mr. Rabbit Sees Heaven
- The Squash Dollie (poem)
- A Boy's Fancies (poem)