Volume 38, Number 6: Good housekeeping
From Good housekeeping
- The Publisher's Desk
- White Roses (poem)
- Where They Make Good Boys
- May I Not Rest? (poem)
- What More in Our Schools
- A Tasteful Cottage
- Mrs Galusha by the Day
- A Railroad Concert
- Blue Prints of Grasses
- When de Ha'nts is Out (poem)
- Honey
- Inexpensive Outings
- The Housekeeper at Large
- The Extermination of the House-fly
- Poisonous Candies
- When He Comes Home (poem)
- "A Door-keeper in the House" (poem)
- The Children
- Barber, Barber, Shave a Pig
- The Peppered Tiger
- Playing Under the Tree (poem)
- To a Boy with a Handkerchief (poem)
- Outdoor Life in France
- The Table for the Summer Luncheon
- Successful Decorations
- With Nasturtium Decorations
- Place Cards
- Pressing the Centerpiece
- Vacation Hygiene
- The Vantage Ground of Private Schools
- Kindergarten Dangers
- The Boss in the Servant Problem
- Three Kinds of Farming
- Vacation at Five Dollars a Week
- The Secret of a Successful Drama
- A Housekeeper in Europe
- Send Up Some Liquid Air
- The Cafeteria
- Potpourri
- A Pretty Little Cottage
- Discoveries by Our Observers and Experimenters
- The Table
- A Cozy Occasion
- A House of Ease
- The Ways of a Wagon Tramp
- The Medicinal Lemon
- A Little Cookbook for a Little Girl
- A Seasonable Luncheon
- For Those Who Can--and Will
- The Conversion of Ellen
- A Few Summer Salads
- One of My Cooking Classes
- An Apartment Picnic
- June Fruits the Year Round
- Menus for June
- An Economical Camp
- Some Good Things
- Bureau of Information
- Good Housekeeping Editorial--What the Clergymen Say
- Some Dainty Summer Models
- Our Pattern Service
- The April and June Puzzles
- The Newest Fancywork
- A Co-operative Summer Home
- Our Summer in a Barn
- The Quarrel