Volume 22, Number 5: Good housekeeping
From Good housekeeping
- A Connecticut Valley "Mount Orthodox" Sentinel (poem)
- Gathered Together
- Light Housekeeping
- Sleep, Soldier, Sleep (poem)
- Some New Sandwiches
- Mother's Room (poem)
- Housekeeping in Foreign Lands
- Decoration Day (poem)
- A Mother's Lesson
- Try, Try Again
- Poisons and Their Antidotes
- May (poem)
- The Ideal Family
- The Sentiment of Words
- Flowers for the Dead (poem)
- Nuts and Nut Culture
- Food and the Human Body
- What Is Said About Women
- Lilacs (poem)
- My Lady's Chamber
- Sense and Sentiment
- In and About the Kitchen
- Novel Luncheons
- A Bit of Experience
- Putting Away Winter Clothing
- Home Duties and Pleasures
- Mothers and Children
- Little Missy Small-Size (poem)
- A Baby's Face
- Children in the Temple of Home (poem)
- Don't Snub the Children
- Ten Little Toes (poem)
- Meals of School Children
- An It So Happened (poem)
- Fussy Mothers
- Since Baby Went to Sleep Today (poem)
- Food for Children
- Sunday Song and Sermon
- The Sweetest Things of Earth (poem)
- House Nerves
- The Happy Coming Years (poem)
- The Soul During Sleep
- The Better Land (poem)
- Good Housekeeping Eclectic
- A May Song (poem)
- Notable Nothings
- Crumbs
- A "Mixed Multitude" of Tried and True Recipes
- Strictly Fresh
- Home Correspondence
- The Kitchen Table
- Some Modern Menus
- Quiet Hours With the Quick Witted
- Library Leaflets
- Editor's Portfolio
- Mrs. Greene's Day of Liberty
- Publisher's Desk
- Fugitive Verse
- The Afterglow (poem)
- My Little Boy That Died (poem)
- Spring Heralded (poem)
- Wanting (poem)
- The Buffalo Moth-Again
- A "Wonderful" Book
- The United States Cyclometer
- Salt That Has Not Lost Its Flavor
- Shut One Door (poem)
- An Attractive Home