Volume 20, Number 5: Good housekeeping
From Good housekeeping
- Worlds and Wheels (poem)
- Where Soldiers Rest (poem)
- Sayings, Wise and Otherwise
- Secrets of the Toilet
- It Is Well To Remember
- The Mountain Stream (poem)
- House and Home
- Tripe as an Article of Food
- The Ten-Cent System
- Rejected Offers (poem)
- Some Chinese Dishes
- To Cycle or Not To Cycle
- Attractive Novelties
- Possibilities in Tin Pails
- Silk Embroideries
- Salads
- Mill Brook (poem)
- Pertinent and Impertinent
- An Afghan
- Whole Wheat
- The Whip-Poor-Will (poem)
- Some Dainty Supper Dishes
- Try, Try Again
- What Folks Say About Eating
- The Kitchen Table
- The Cosy Corner
- Setting the Table for Two (poem)
- Mothers and Children
- Lullaby (poem)
- Don't Whip the Children
- For Children's Spare Hours
- Restless Children
- Little Children
- The Circle of the Golden Year (poem)
- The Blessing at the Table
- For Baby's Comfort
- My Mother's Song (poem)
- The Dethroned Baby
- Child-Widows
- Sunday Song and Sermon
- He Chose This Path For Thee (poem)
- Carefully Chosen Sermonettes
- The Coming of His Feet (poem)
- A Dinner From the Bible
- Food for the Family of Man
- Jesus, Lover of My Soul (poem)
- Home Duties and Pleasures
- Good Housekeeping Eclectic
- Notable Nothings
- Crumbs
- Quiet Hours With the Quick Witted
- Library Leaflets
- Editor's Portfolio
- Publisher's Desk
- A Mother of India (poem)
- Homekeeping Profit and Loss
- Willette (poem)
- Stray Notes About Ferns