Volume 20, Number 1: Good housekeeping
From Good housekeeping
- The Kiss of Sleep (poem)
- A Village Tragedy
- Our Whist Club
- William Cullen Bryant (poem)
- Secrets of the Toilet
- Happy New Year ! (poem)
- Spots and Stains
- Try, Try Again
- The New Year Comes (poem)
- Paris Dressmaking and Dressmakers
- It Is Well To Remember
- The Circle of the Golden Year
- Chafing Dish Recipes
- Domestic Hygiene
- The Spoon and the Cup
- What Folks Say About Eating
- Odd Moments
- Economy
- The Kitchen Table
- The Cosy Corner
- Mothers and Children
- My Little Lord's Coach (poem)
- Food For the Family of Man
- Only a Baby That is Better Off
- A Pair of Boots (poem)
- Always
- The Story-Teller's Alphabet (poem)
- Exposure of Children to Disease
- Lullaby (poem)
- The Boy's Room
- How They Named the Baby (poem)
- Baby's Bath Blanket
- What Baby Is Made Of (poem)
- At the Dawning of the Year (poem)
- For Quiet Hours
- A Small Boy's Morning (poem)
- Home Duties and Pleasures
- Sunday Song and Sermon
- Sunday (poem)
- The Hardest Day in the Week
- The Lord's Prayer
- A One Thousand Dollar Bible
- Sermons
- Sunday Sandwiches
- Milk and Its Products
- Tru and False Religion
- Advice to Preachers
- Stop
- The Books of the Bible
- Good Housekeeping Eclectic
- Notable Nothings
- Crumbs
- Quiet Hours With the Quick Witted
- Library Leaflets
- Editor's Portfolio
- Beneath That Lowered Lid (poem)
- The Family Scrap Basket
- Publisher's Desk
- Pertinent and Impertinent
- An Excellent Pie Crust
- Why? (poem)