Volume 19, Number 4: Good housekeeping
From Good housekeeping
- "Once Counting Seven" (poem)
- Some Peculiar Food Substances
- Tommy Nut (poem)
- Characteristics of the Markets of the World
- Secrets of the Toilet
- Jingles (poem)
- Romance of an Apple Pie
- Try, Try Again
- Fruit as a Food
- A Housekeeper's Autumn Time (poem)
- To Dress Well and Economically
- Food for the Family of Man
- Lullaby (poem)
- The Good Old Days
- Sayings Wise and Otherwise
- Educating a Daughter
- A Basket of Peaches
- Picked up in Passing
- With Almonds
- "Brown October" (poem)
- Pumpkin Pie (poem)
- Teddy's Wooing (poem)
- Economy of Food
- Neighborhood Talk
- An Odd Picture Frame
- When I Was a Girl (poem)
- The Kitchen Table
- The Cosy Corner
- Good Housekeeping Eclectic
- Notable Nothings
- Crumbs
- Quiet Hours for the Quick Witted
- Editor's Portfolio
- In October (poem)
- The Family Scrap Basket
- Library Leaflets
- Publishers' Desk
- Getting Baby to Sleep
- Men Who are Always Busy
- Fugitive Verse
- My Mother's Song (poem)
- In God's Encircling Arm (poem)
- Summer's Done (poem)
- Fate (poem)
- Wheat and Wheaten Flour
- A Parable (poem)
- Among the Waving Corn (poem)
- Uncle Sam and the Food Question
- Purple Asters (poem)