Volume 11, Number 11: Good housekeeping
From Good housekeeping
- The Head, the Hands, the Feet
- Dress-Its Proprieties and Abuses
- The Stopping of the Stage (poem)
- Amateur Entertainments
- Favorite Walks (poem)
- Threads of Thought
- Delightful Dainties
- Facts Worth Knowing
- Peach Custard (poem)
- Southern Johnny-Cake
- That Commonplace Woman (poem)
- Autumn (poem)
- Aftermath
- Some Late Summer Dishes
- Woman's Work and Wages
- The Kitchen Table
- The Cozy Corner
- Quiet Hours With the Quick Witted
- A Page of Fugitive Verse
- In September (poem)
- When Sam'wel Led the Singin' (poem)
- Autumn Leaves (poem)
- In the Sick-Room
- That Bright October Day (poem)
- The Time of the Golden-Rod (poem)
- Harvest-Time (poem)
- If We Had the Time (poem)
- Editor's Portfolio
- The Family Scrap Basket
- Wayside Literary Litter
- A Kitchen Treasure
- Some Good and Harmless Toilet Suggestions
- Practical Window-Gardening
- Good Housekeeping
- A Pretty Wedding Gift