Volume 11, Number 10: Good housekeeping
From Good housekeeping
- The Head, the Hands, the Feet
- Country Home Life
- How Great-Grandmother Made Bread (poem)
- The Birthday Cake (poem)
- Apples
- Decorative Fashions and Fancies
- Original Recipe for Gingerbread
- Seasonable Sauces
- Little Helps
- Wayside Literary Litter
- Woman's Work and Wages
- Proverbs (poem)
- The Cozy Corner
- Baker's Biscuit and Cakes
- Quiet Hours With the Quick Witted
- Editor's Portfolio
- Library Leaflets
- The Family Scrap Basket
- A Page of Fugitive Verse
- The Two Mysteries (poem)
- Old-Fashioned Coffee-Mill (poem)
- A Passing Face (poem)
- Pickling Time
- Little Shoes and Stockings (poem)
- Little Wheels (poem)
- Prophecies (poem)
- Robert of Lincoln (poem)
- Only a Word (poem)
- The Market and the Grocery Store
- Two Cheap and Nice Dishes
- Peaches
- Two Baby Feet (poem)