Volume 11, Number 7: Good housekeeping
From Good housekeeping
- The Head, the Hands, the Feet
- What the Postman Bring (poem)
- Appetizing Dishes
- Quantities in Weights and Measures
- To a Potato (poem)
- Summer Rain (poem)
- Afternoon Receptions
- A Few Suggestions About Shoes
- The Staff of Life
- A Few Table "Don'ts
- The Kitchen Table
- The Mouse (poem)
- Decorative Painting
- August Pictures (poem)
- Facts Worth Knowing
- Woman's Work and Wages
- In the Sick-Room
- Select Household Miscellany
- Quiet Hours With the Quick Witted
- A Page of Fugitive Verse
- The Graduate (poem)
- O Why Should the Spirit of Mortal Be Proud? (poem)
- Currants
- Woman's World (poem)
- Dead Flowers (poem)
- The Land of the Beautiful Dead (poem)
- Editor's Portfolio
- Crumbs From Everybody's Table
- Blind (poem)
- Some Forms of Co-Operation
- When the Sun Goes Down (poem)
- Morning Glories
- Old Time Proverbs
- "Pizen-Clean" Women