Volume 7, Number 4: Good housekeeping
From Good housekeeping
- The Philosophy of Living
- The Children of the Household
- White Summer Gowns
- Haunted by Fears
- Pedigree of the Dinner Pail
- The Sunday Dinner
- "Unknown" (poem)
- Every-Day Desserts
- Wise Sayings Well Said
- House Matters
- Origin of Celery
- Pulled Bread
- Buttons
- Evening on the Farm (poem)
- Love the Beggar (poem)
- Song of the Sewing Machine (poem)
- What Will and What Won't
- The Oriole (poem)
- The Cozy Corner
- Quiet Hours with the Quick Witted
- The Care of the Ears
- Editor's Portfolio
- Salads
- A Page of Fugitive Verse
- Hoeing His Row (poem)
- Knitting (poem)
- If We Knew (poem)
- The Old Wife (poem)
- Wedded (poem)
- My Step-Children
- Dinner in England
- A June Day (poem)
- Family Fashions and Fancies
- Flowers
- Food of the Stone Age