Volume 5, Number 11: Good housekeeping
From Good housekeeping
- Molly Bishop's Family
- In the Old Farm Kitchen
- Vagrant Love (poem)
- Meals for the Many of Moderate Means
- Superfluous Duties
- Young Housekeepers Should Know
- A Home-Made Lounge
- Scotch Cooking
- A Goodbye (poem)
- How to Warm Houses
- How Salmon is Canned
- "Peaches and Cream" Etc.
- Origin of Maine's Corn Packing
- Some Cuban Recipes
- An Old-Fashioned Cook Book
- Ready Made Housekeeping
- The Cozy Corner
- Quiet Hours with the Quick Witted
- Editor's Portfolio
- A Page of Fugitive Verse
- God and His Flowers (poem)
- Under the Daisies (poem)
- A Matter of Necessity
- Recompensed (poem)
- Mother, Home, and Heaven (poem)
- Table Supplies and Economics
- Dilution of Spices
- On the Beach (poem)
- It is Well to Remember
- The Family Hearth
- From Riches to Poverty and Back Again
- Some Simple Remedies
- In Port (poem)