Volume 1, Number 13: Good housekeeping
From Good housekeeping
- Model Homes for Model Housekeeping
- The Nutting (poem)
- Things That it is Well to Know
- Preparing for Spring Flowers
- The German Housewife
- Home Life Sketches in the Old Dominion
- How We Settled - A Story in Two Parts
- When I Was Young and Went a Wooing (poem)
- Parents Ought Not to
- One Side of the Dining Room
- Value of Courtesy
- Anxious People
- Recreation for Leisure Hours
- Bed Making (poem)
- Elegant Home-Made Furniture
- Dining Room Talk - I
- Ashes (poem)
- Mantels and Grates
- Bachelor Bluff on Household Art
- Gadding and Gossip (poem)
- Methods of Work
- Nelly's Receipt for Indian Cake (poem)
- How Elnathan and I Went to Housekeeping
- Editor's Portfolio
- A Page of Fugitive Verse
- The Music of my Home (poem)
- The World Would Be Better For It (poem)
- The Little White Dress (poem)
- In the Firelight (poem)
- God Bless Us, Every One (poem)
- A Dream of Home (poem)
- Little Blue Shoes (poem)
- A Conspicuous Carpet
- Economize Your Strength
- Gastronomic Thoughts and Suggestions
- The Rationale of Gifts
- A Mother's Prayer (poem)
- Mrs. Stebbins' Tea Party