Volume 1, Number 7: Good housekeeping
From Good housekeeping
- Domestic Sanitary Appliances
- The Food Value of Oatmeal
- An Unpardonable Sin
- Pert and Pretty Pleasantries
- Summer Boarders and their Hosts
- The Fashions
- In the Laundry
- Authors' Pay
- Never Too Late to Learn
- Strawberrying (poem)
- Recreation for Leisure Hours
- Theft (poem)
- Diet in Relation to Age and Activity
- What Shall We Cook?
- Our A B Cs in the Kitchen (poem)
- A Charming Window Ornament
- A Few Words of Homely Advice
- At Sundown (poem)
- In the Spirit of Economy
- The Vexed Question
- Some Pretty Patchwork
- Household Furnishings and Adornments
- Amare est Videre (poem)
- Picked up in Passing
- A Gigantic Kitchen
- Cookery in China
- A Substantial Lunch
- Too Much of a Good Thing
- Raising the Dust
- The Love of a Friend (poem)
- Our Sleeping Rooms
- Editor's Portfolio
- A Page of Fugitive Verse
- Thirteen at Table
- The Sure Estate (poem)
- Wife, Children, and Friends (poem)
- My Little Boy Laughs in his Sleep (poem)
- Not So Nice as it Reads (poem)
- The Old Home (poem)
- Knitting the Stocking (poem)
- Good-Night and Good-Morning (poem)
- The Old Homestead
- A Bit of Home-Made Decoration
- Our Catchall in the Corner
- Great is Economy
- The Wedding Cake of the Princess Beatrice
- How to Enjoy a Watermelon