Volume 1, Number 2: Good housekeeping
From Good housekeeping
- Model Homes for Model Housekeeping
- Social Relaxation
- Four Leaved Clovers (poem)
- At Eventide (poem)
- Clean Homes
- Light in Dark Places
- All About the House
- How to Help in Sickness and Accident
- The Fashions
- Company Dinners for One
- Spring Time in the Household
- The Baby's Prayer (poem)
- Kindling Wood
- A Slap at Dishcloths
- Cold Bits
- Good Things for the Table
- "Men Folks" About the House
- Ventilation of Sleeping Rooms
- Editor's Portfolio
- No Sleep for an Empty Stomach
- Elegant Household Decorations
- Viewed and Reviewed
- From Some of Our Best Writers
- A Page of Fugitive Verse
- Mother's Work (poem)
- Leaving the Old House (poem)
- The Scent of a Flower (poem)
- Sometime (poem)
- The Children's Bed Time (poem)
- The Kitchen Clock (poem)
- A Proverb and a Postscript
- Tom and Sally
- A Chapter of Household Don'ts
- Domestic Sanitary Appliances
- Household Pets
- Gastronomic Thoughts and Suggestions