Volume XXXIII, Number 10: Harper's bazaar
From Harper's bazaar
- The Place of Woman in the World's Work
- The Meloon Farm
- Neckwear, Parasols & Shoes
- Spring Fashions for Children
- Fancy Waists for Summer Wear
- Wraps & Neckwear for Early Spring
- Exclusive Paris Street Gowns and Novel Spring House Gowns
- Made of Summer Fabric
- London Gowns for Street Wear
- Cut Paper Patterns
- Driftwood
- The Angel of the Spring (poem)
- Milwaukee Women to Welcome the G. F. W. C.
- Club News
- Luxurious Days at Sea
- The Household
- Talks to Nervous Women
- Life's Wear and Tear
- Secrets of Wood Staining
- Town vs. Country
- Dress
- Special Spring Dishes
- Mary Magdalen. The Drama of Wreckage, and of Recovery Also
- humor page
- Seven and Thirty-Three (poem)
- When the Birds Come
- "Home Life" among New York's Girl Students
- The Complete Bachelor
- My Parlor Maid's Romance
- Why Women Are Not Money Makers