Volume XXXIII, Number 9: Harper's bazaar
From Harper's bazaar
- Lessons in the News
- Fashion News from Paris
- Features of English Gowns
- The Meloon Farm
- The Daughter of Pharaoh (poem)
- Cut Paper Patterns
- The Household
- On Getting Acquainted
- Art in Picture Hanging
- To Meet Life's Wear and Tear
- Town vs. Country
- The Daughter of the House and her Duties
- Notes of the Week
- Club Happenings
- Wit and Humor
- Portraits and Caricatures
- Dramatic Values in Everyday Life
- Is Music Merely a Social Fad?
- Mrs. George Gould's Lakewood Home
- A Spring Outing in Manhattan
- The Complete Bachelor
- Diantha Bigelow's Letter of Condolence