Volume XXXIII, Number 5: Harper's bazaar
From Harper's bazaar
- "Living Bouquets" in the House
- Striking Gowns for Midwinter Wear
- Advance Fashions from Paris
- Miss de Wolfe's Exquisite Gowns
- Books of the Month
- Luncheons for February Fete-Days
- Valentines
- The Meloon Farm
- Seeing Eyes (poem)
- Her Applause
- A Chapter on "Laying the Table"
- Amateur Photographic Competition--Second Series
- Dress
- Cut Paper Patterns & Hints for Home Dressmaking
- Town vs. Country
- Club Happenings
- Overheard in Society
- Women Playing Ice-Hockey
- The Household
- Good Form
- humor page
- Mr. & Mrs. Seton-Thompson at Home
- New Effects in Embroidery Patterns
- Practical Talks to Nervous Women
- A Valentine (poem)
- A Chinese Wedding as seen by an American
- The Game of Correspondence
- An Up-to-date Fable: The Good Little Shepherdess