Volume XXVII, Number 33: Harper's bazaar
From Harper's bazaar
- Gardens (poem)
- Children's Teeth
- Beyond the Dreams of Avarice
- The Idiot
- Ephphatha
- Personal
- Of Her Own Household
- The Story of a Garden
- In the Valley of Silence (poem)
- Mind-Cure
- Answers to Correspondents
- The Children's Vacation
- Butterfly Design
- A Peril that Besets the Summer Girl
- How to Secure a Child's Obedience
- humor page
- Fruit-Drying
- Telegraph Tolls
- Joan of Arc before her Judges
- Summer Friends (poem)
- Order as a Fetich
- The Reverse of Tactful
- Spent Enthusiasms
- A Novel Way of Serving Pineapple
- Mrs. Wouter Van Twiller--Saturdays
- Our Paris Letter
- New York Fashions
- Two Midsummer Novels
- Needlework and Fashions
- Sounds by Night