Volume XXVII, Number 25: Harper's bazaar
From Harper's bazaar
- The Even-Song
- Food for the Sick
- What We Are Doing
- The Story of a Garden
- Village Improvement
- Personal
- Answers to Correspondents
- One Aspect of the City Almshouse
- Highland Cousins
- Attention to Visitors
- The Masculine Hat
- A Phase of Woman's Progress
- O Singer! (poem)
- The Touch of Nature
- Currants and Gooseberries
- humor page
- Columbine Design
- Amateur Nursing
- Enjoying Small Means
- Keeping Cool
- In Memory of Mr. Curtis
- Mrs. Wouter Van Twiller--Saturdays
- Our Paris Letter
- New York Fashions
- "A Prodigal in Love"
- Needlework and Fashions