Volume IX, Number 43: Harper's bazaar
From Harper's bazaar
- Glove-Fitting Basque, Low Draped Over-Skirt, and Walking Skirt
- Love A-Gypsying
- Trout-Fishing in Norway
- Sayiings and Doings
- The Cost of a Train
- Gifts to Sovereigns
- "More Free Than Welcome"
- Toilettes at the Centennial
- Paris Fashions
- The Use of Forests
- Juliet
- The Season
- May and December (poem)
- "By the River"
- The Sistine Madonna
- Answers to Correspondents
- Household Furniture--The Queen Anne Style
- New York Fashions
- Personal
- Artistic Embroidery
- Catherine De'Medici
- Household Furniture--Some Miscellaneous Styles
- An Autumn Day (poem)