Volume IX, Number 32: Harper's bazaar
From Harper's bazaar
- Ladies' and Children's Dresses
- Netted Gauze and Lace Fichu Collar
- Doing One's Duty
- Ladies' Hats and Capote
- A Dream of Long Ago (poem)
- From Dreams to Waking
- Useful Recipes
- English Gossip
- Sayings and Doings
- "The Apothecary"
- A Lullaby (poem)
- Artificial Coloring of Flowers
- Warned of a Warning
- Hope Deferred (poem)
- How We Made Our Picnic a Success
- The Interrupted Reading
- Ladies' Bonnets and Capote
- Necklace and Medallions
- Plain and Plaid Percale Suit
- Pleated Muslin Suit
- Answers to Correspondents
- Facetiae
- Dog-Day Dietetics
- Young Tom Macaulay
- New York Fashions
- Personal
- Table-Mat Holbein-Work
- Crepe Lisse Fichu
- Border for Lingerie