Volume IX, Number 27: Harper's bazaar
From Harper's bazaar
- Scrap-Books
- Foundation for Slippers--Cross Stitch Embroidery
- Embroidered Work Bag
- Point Russe Embroiderery and Crochet Border for Flannel Petticoat
- Insertions, Borders, and Edgings for Lingerie
- As Long As She Lived!
- Sayings and Doings
- Name Lending
- How to Fold Gentlemen's Clothing
- Gros Grain and Tulle Dress
- Ladies' Wrappings and Girl's Dress
- Reversal (poem)
- Spelling in the Olden Time
- In Town (poem)
- A Baker's Dozen
- Paris Fashions
- About Spinning-Wheels
- Useful Recipes
- Visiting in Constantinople
- Border in Darned Tulle
- Fashions
- The Solitaire
- The Advent of Summer
- Answers to Correspondents
- Facetiae
- Household Furniture--Louis Quatorze
- New York Fashions
- Personal
- Needlework
- Infant's Wardrobe
- Embroidered Basket Stand for Infant's Wardrobe