Volume IX, Number 25: Harper's bazaar
From Harper's bazaar
- Garden Hats
- Ordeals
- As Long As She Lived!
- Sayings and Doings
- Cravats
- Fashions
- Point Lace,Mignardise, and Crochet Edging for Lingerie
- Spring Bonnets
- Ladies' and Children's Suits
- How to Renovate Gentlemen's Clothing
- Second Thoughts (poem)
- Use of Trees in Cities
- Mrs. Carter's Cook
- Some Negro Superstitions
- Come to Stay
- Useful Recipes
- The Two Destinies: A Romance
- What Chanced By the Mill Stream (poem)
- Answers to Correspondents
- Facetiae
- "The Rainbow in the Bubble"
- Household Furniture--The Ornament
- New York Fashions
- Personal
- Needlework
- Parasols
- The Origin of the Gypsies