Volume IX, Number 22: Harper's bazaar
From Harper's bazaar
- La Boiteuse Polonaise Walking Suit
- Sayings and Doings
- "John the Baptist Reproving Herodias"
- "Condemned to Death"
- Paris Fashions
- A Young Man's Fancy
- Manuring of Plants
- Wedding Toilette
- English Gossip
- Crochet Tidy
- Gros Grain Reception Dress
- Polonaise Buttoned Behind, with Long Walking Skirt
- Mosaic Cloth and Gros Grain Dinner Dress
- Answers to Correpondents
- Facetiae
- Personalities
- Household Furniture--The Elizabethan
- The Woman Tempting
- New York Fashions
- Personal
- Needlework
- As Long As She Lived!