Volume XXXII, Number 49: Harper's bazaar
From Harper's bazaar
- The Week
- What You Can Do with the Chafing Dish
- The Magic Chafing-Dish (poem)
- Elizabeth Marbury
- Christmas Masks, New & Old
- The House of the Golden Song
- Madonnas of the World
- A Manifest Destiny
- Paris Causerie
- Ball Gowns for the New York Assembly
- An American Woman in Shanghai
- Possibilities of a Plague in America
- The Household
- Christmas Gifts Easily Made
- Formal and Informal Dinner Gowns
- Cuisine
- Dress
- Good Form
- Club Letters
- About Habit-makers
- Postscript
- Regarding the Well-Dressed Man
- When Christmas Comes (poem)
- Interesting Phases of the Woman Question
- humor page
- The Christmas Carol
- The Chrismas Dinner
- Christmas Games for Children
- Three Gifts (poem)
- For a Winter in the Tropics
- The Animation of Beck Ann