Volume XXXII, Number 30: Harper's bazaar
From Harper's bazaar
- Mr. Pettijohn's Summer
- Club Women and Club Work
- International Woman's Congress
- A Confident To-morrow
- About Lamps
- Boy Truant
- A Convenience for Summer Travelling
- An Old Father-Time Fair
- Kaiserin Augusta-Victoria
- Dress
- Middle Age
- Women and Men--Going into the Country
- The Pilgrim (poem)
- Dreyfus, the Man
- Cosmopolitans--No. 1. Which Way?
- Where We Exaggerate
- Ghosts (poem)
- The Fairy Flower (poem)
- Good Form
- The Household
- humor page
- Sarah Bernhardt as "Hamlet"
- Lady Churchill's New "Review"
- Our Paris Letter
- New York Fashions
- Fashions
- Home Education for Conventional Art
- A Woman's Prison Work