Volume XXXII, Number 27: Harper's bazaar
From Harper's bazaar
- A Confident To-morrow
- Home Education for Conventional Art
- A Feminine Adjunct
- Old Letters
- Commencement at Smith College
- Commencement at Mt. Holyoke College
- Tips of Travel
- Clearing Weather
- Some Old Virginia Floors
- The Tea-Saloon
- Middle Age--Freedom of Movement
- Pavilion for the Blind, in the New Congressional Library
- Luncheon Feature
- A Modern Luxury
- Ribbon-Work in Embroidery
- The Art of Hand-Sewing
- The Household
- Summer Outings for Poor Women and Children
- The Child that Never Came (poem)
- Practical Talks on Millinery
- Books
- The Unknown Sforza
- Women and Men--Double-Barrelled Nonsense
- In Loversland (poem)
- Recent Cut-Paper Pattern Designs Published in "Harper's Bazar"
- Club Women and Club Work
- humor page
- Our Paris Letter
- New York Fashions
- Fashions
- A Novel Dress-Hanger
- Women Librarians
- A Pretty Mail-Bag for Summer Homes