Volume XXXII, Number 23: Harper's bazaar
From Harper's bazaar
- Women and Men--The Poets and the Conquerors
- Club Women and Club Work
- A Boy Perverse (poem)
- Practical Talks on Millinery
- Recent Cut-Paper Pattern Designs Published in "Harper's Bazar"
- Cuisine
- Tea-Rooms
- A Lost Art Revived
- Home Dressmaking
- The Household
- The Nursery
- Our Paris Letter
- Elizabeth's House
- Books
- Epigrams. From the Chinese
- With a Ten
- Dress
- humor page
- New York Fashions
- Fashions
- A Glimpse of the Filipino Mind
- The Enemies of the Rose
- Hard-Wood Floors
- A Practical and Pretty Magazine Cover
- Kit Kennedy--Country Boy