Volume XXXII, Number 10: Harper's bazaar
From Harper's bazaar
- Women and Men---The Future of Club Life
- For a Living
- The Toilet. VI. Obesity and Emaciation
- Creepers
- Spring Frocks for Children
- Plain and Fancy Shirt-waists
- Outing Costumes
- Spring and Summer Wraps
- Kit Kennedy--Country Boy
- A Literary Club in 1780
- Too Much of a Good Thing
- Of Long Engagements
- To a Bird (poem)
- Cecilia Beaux
- Recent Cut-Paper Pattern Designs Published in "Harper's Bazar"
- A Signal at Sea (poem)
- The Revolt of the Good Samaritan
- The Salvation Army at Chattanooga
- Club Women and Club Work
- Post Obitum
- The New Order of Friendship
- The Undying Principle
- New York Fashions
- Her Coming Out (poem)
- With a Ten
- The Best Spring (poem)
- "Consider the Lilies" (poem)
- A Ballade of Easter (poem)
- Life and I (poem)
- Cuisine
- Dress
- The Household
- The Nursery
- Our Paris Letter
- Good Form
- Books
- The Dreamers: A Club
- Spring Hats from Paris
- Paris Models for Spring and Summer
- London Tailor-made Costumes
- A Spring Flower Talk
- Moral Earnestness