Volume XXXI, Number 21: Harper's bazaar
From Harper's bazaar
- Our Paris Letter
- Indestructible Picture-books
- A Girl's Career
- Women and War
- Club Women and Club Work
- New Fashions in Parasols
- Hints on the Up-keep of Golf-Greens
- Books for Summer Leisure
- Pamela's Black Gown
- Making the Best of It
- Ethics of Bargaining
- The Exasperatingly Good Woman
- Paris Summer Gowns
- Some of Our Best Plants
- Life and Health
- Answers to Correspondents
- Summer Costumes
- Fashions in Men's Head-Gear
- The Outdoor Woman
- The Proposal. A Dialogue
- Food Values for Children
- Our Own Shoe
- Paris Costumes
- humor page
- The Question of Food
- On Rag Carpetings
- Summer Costumes
- New Shirt-waists
- New York Fashions
- Wild Eelin: New Escapades, Adventures, and Bitter Sorrows