Volume XXXI, Number 11: Harper's bazaar
From Harper's bazaar
- Our Paris Letter
- A Quest (poem)
- Sport and Outing Costumes
- New York Fashions
- Spring Wraps
- Spring Hats from Paris
- Club Women and Club Work
- The Mother's Library
- Frances E. Willard
- The Woman-Suffrage Convention
- Paris Fancy Waist and Tailor Shirt-waist, with Cut Patterns
- Things Seen
- Wild Eelin: Her Escapades, Adventures, and Bitter Sorrows
- Easter Offerings
- House-Maids' and Nurses' Gowns, Caps, and Aprons
- Liveries for Men-Servants
- Answers to Correspondents
- Men's Spring Fashions
- humor page
- Women and Men
- Paris Models for Spring and Summer Gowns
- London Tailor-Made Costumes
- Aunt Kirsty
- A Miracle Play
- "Bargains"
- Retrospect (poem)