Volume XXVIII, Number 36: Harper's bazaar
From Harper's bazaar
- September Sunshine (poem)
- The Speech of Southern Women
- Answers to Correspondents
- A Boston Tea Party
- Doctor Warrick's Daughters
- A Woman of Our Time
- Conscientious Selfishness
- Cold Dishes for Hot Weather
- Personal
- A Study in Savagery
- Embroidery Design--Wild Carrot or Lace Flower
- The Choice of a School
- In the Summer Rain
- The Unreliability of Proverbs
- humor page
- Love (poem)
- A Simple Layette
- While Waiting for Lunch
- Women and Men
- Our Paris Letter
- New York Fashions
- Needlework and Fashions
- Ideal Health
- Miss Millican's Window